Important Behavior Management Strategies

Sometimes parents and teachers alike are at a loss as to some of the best behavior management strategies that will be instrumental in helping a child change a certain behavior. The process of behavior change can be very daunting and without persistence and the right strategies, it is very easy to give up. However, acquiring positive behavior is very attainable and this should be the impetus of the parent who is looking to help a child acquire positive behavior. Some behaviors might have been acquired over time and will not happen overnight. However, it is good to explore some helpful strategies.

The first behavior management strategy is to have clear expectations. What are the consequences of undesirable behavior? What will be given for desirable behavior? It is vital that penalties and incentives are mentioned early enough so that the child is aware of them. It is very important that consistency be observed when it comes to these rewards and penalties. Any inconsistencies will definitely send a wrong signal. Here is a case in point. You have told your child that he will only be given a lollypop after eating his lunch. You should be very careful to follow through with that such that a lollypop will be given only after eating his lunch. Going contrary to the first agreement may only lead to undesirable behavior which will be a great undoing. If you find it hard to follow through as agreed, it is important that you evaluate the strategy and try something else. But remember to be consistent.

Behavior management strategies will vary from child to child. A second strategy is to employ the use of reminders and repetition. There are children who will not take it in immediately. You may have to remind the child occasionally. You need to check your tone of voice and the way you pass the message across lest it sparks remorse and rebellion. Talk to the child at a very close proximity and not shouting across the room in an offensive way. Talk to the child at his or her level including bending down where necessary. The tone of voice used as well as facial expression at best should be neutral. Steer clear from repeating the consequences over and over again.

Thirdly, use of gestures and short sentences are good behavior management strategies. If you can use gesturing, it is a good way of limiting the sense of noise. Use of simple sentences that are precise is also very helpful.

Behavior management is largely in the hands of the parent. You can talk to professionals who are readily available and who will help you a great deal in helping to put your child’s behavior in the right course. Do not wait until it is too late to help change your child’s undesirable behavior.

You can learn a lot more on title=”Behavior Management”>Behavior management, by visiting our site. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with Camp MakeBelieve Kids professionals. They’ll be happy to help you.

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