Save at the Setai

Staying at the Setai Hotel in Miami Beach is typically reserved for the cream of the crop. Even small rooms top thousands a night and come with a shocking number of amenities you’ll have trouble finding at the Four Seasons. Fortunately, travelers can save a pretty penny by renting a condo straight from an owner.

Retail Rates vs. Private Parties

The expense of staying at this top-rate Miami Beach hotel can be jaw-dropping, particularly for larger groups who are traveling together. Lodging typically eats the most of any budget, but these luxury digs will give your wallet the beating of a lifetime. Many people think it’s worth it to be situated in the heart of South Beach, near the top shops, stores, clubs and restaurants. Others have an affinity for the restaurants, pools and shops on site that offer up an entire vacation in one convenient locale.

Some visitors to South Beach love the Setai so much they invest in private condos, but when they can’t stay there all year long, it opens up the possibility of affordable private rentals. There are a few differences between renting a room and renting a condo that affect the price but almost always tip scales in your favor.

Hotel vs. Condo Accommodations

Guests to any room or condo at the Setai have access to the stores, restaurants and other accoutrements found on site. There are three miraculous pools here that make spending the day a splash, although the hotel is also exceptionally close to the beach. The high-tech entertainment centers and luxurious furnishings found in each room are inevitably found in the condos as well. When in doubt, you can always ask an owner for photos beforehand.

The number one difference is housekeeping service. While it’s a bit pricey for condo guests, it’s also scheduled on an as-needed basis. You’ll never be awakened at 11 a.m. by a maid or worry over whether someone will stop by while you’re visiting the hotel’s highly-touted breakfast buffet.

If you’ve always wanted to stay in the top hotel in the city but weren’t sure you wanted to pay full price, opt for a private condo rental at the Setai in Miami Beach. You won’t believe the lap of luxury you land in or the options available for what you’ll be paying. It truly is a deluxe option for an affordable price.

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